
Showing posts from June, 2017

technologies used for solar energy

Several technologies exist to capture and convert solar energy . They( solar panels ) are based on the capture of the energy of the photons, energetic particles that make up the light. The technologies developed make it possible to convert their energy into heat or electricity. Solar energy is a renewable energy whose use does not produce CO2. It thus appears as a possible solution to the problems posed by the scarcity of certain energy sources, their cost and impact on the environment. The three business lines Of solar energy Solar thermal This technology converts solar energy into heat. The atoms composing the material of the solar collectors are excited by the photons. By recovering some of their energy, the atoms change their energy state, creating a thermal agitation. The atoms will then release the surplus energy in the form of thermal energy, manifesting itself in the form of heat. It will be transported by a heat transfer fluid (water, gas ...): heated, it will be able to dis

definiton solar energy

Solar energy (natural not solar panels ) is the fraction of electromagnetic energy from the sun that reaches the surface of the earth, after filtering by the earth's atmosphere. On Earth, solar energy is at the origin of the cycle of water, wind and photosynthesis carried out by the vegetable kingdom, on which the animal kingdom depends via food chains. The Sun is the source of most of the energies on Earth except for nuclear energy and deep geothermal energy, 1. Energy sources derived indirectly from solar energy include: hydraulic energy, derived from the kinetic energy of water whose cycle depends on the Sun, tidal energy derived mainly from the effect of Gravitation of the Moon and more weakly than that of the Sun and dependent on other parameters such as the geography of the coastsb. There is also the wind energy derived from the kinetic energy of the wind linked to the heating and evaporation of the water, generated by the Sun, the rotation of the Earth and the Coriolis effe

solar energy

Solar energy is a source of energy that depends on the sun. This energy makes it possible to manufacture electricity from solar panels or solar thermal power plants, thanks to the sunlight captured by solar panels. The sun, although distant more than 150 million kilometers from us, remains our greatest source of energy even if it is intermittent. It is a clean energy that emits no greenhouse gases and its raw material, the sun, is available all over the world, free and inexhaustible. How does a solar system work? 3 elements are required for a photovoltaic installation: solar panels, an inverter and a meter. These three elements make it possible to recover the energy transmitted by the sun, transform it into electricity and then distribute it to all customers connected to the network.      Integrated into the roof, solar panels directly convert light into direct current      The inverter then makes it possible to transform the electricity obtained into alternating current compatible