solar energy

Solar energy is a source of energy that depends on the sun. This energy makes it possible to manufacture electricity from solar panels or solar thermal power plants, thanks to the sunlight captured by solar panels.The sun, although distant more than 150 million kilometers from us, remains our greatest source of energy even if it is intermittent.It is a clean energy that emits no greenhouse gases and its raw material, the sun, is available all over the world, free and inexhaustible.How does a solar system work?3 elements are required for a photovoltaic installation: solar panels, an inverter and a meter.These three elements make it possible to recover the energy transmitted by the sun, transform it into electricity and then distribute it to all customers connected to the network.

Integrated into the roof, solar panels directly convert light into direct current
The inverter then makes it possible to transform the electricity obtained into alternating current compatible with the network
The meter measures the amount of current injected into the network
